August 21, 2010

Summer Recap

Summer will be officially over on Sunday night, because school starts early for me. Am I excited? Kinda, not really. I just hate waking up in the morning, plus I got 3 art classes, that means studio hours (3 hour classes, 2 times a week) I hope my classes are enjoyable:
Philo Problems
Graphic Design 
Printmaking 2 ( Maybe I'll be able to silk screen)
Summer Recap:

-Got some vitamin D at the beach + bond fire
    -Sold 6 pieces of used clothing at Cross Roads and got $24
    -Watched fireworks at Almansor Park for the Fourth of July
    -Made chocolate cupcakes, chocolate & strawberry cheese cakes, and chocolate chip cookies from scratch
    -Summer school
    -Experienced a car accident + Philippe's dipped sandwiches and cheesecake.
    -Middle School Reunion, Meyerhof and Gomez Honors class
    -Visiting all the geniuses at UCLA
    -Drove to the Art Walk rather than biking. Breathe my smog ya damn hipsters!
    -Assembled 2 beds, 1 dining table, and 4 chairs without the help of a guy (Girl Power!)
    -Visited City Walk & Downtown Disney
    -Cried watching Toy Story 3 and mind f*cked watching Inception
    -5 mile hike @ Eaton Canyon for a water fall, but instead we got a museum
    -Drove on the freeway alone from Northridge to LA (New Driver accomplishment)
    -Bowling with Phoenix Bakery employees
    -Attempts to run at the Corn Field
    -Surprised Ashlee with her fave people and pastries for her 20th birthday
    -Interviews but no job :[
    -If you're gooooooing to Saaaaaan Fraaaaaancisco + Yosemite.
    -Santa Monica Pier with my family, and came home with a giant bunny in a tutu.
    -Moved into my first Apt :D

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