October 06, 2009

Meatless Day 2

I miss you dear dear meat :[ All I can think of is, you.

Midnight Snack: Bagel with Cream Cheese, Grapes, Cucumber Water, a handful of Hot Fries, and a Cellphone (i joke)

2am Snack: Vegetarian Dumplings with Sirracha, and whatever is left in that Minute Maid bottle

Breakfast: Half of that Peanut Butter bar

Lunch: 2 Mushroom, Avocado, and Onion Quesadilla, Salsa, whatever is left in that Green Tea Bottle, and one straw of Twizzler candy

Dinner: 2 helpings of Green Bean Casserole, Fettuccine Alfredo, and 2 cups of Aloe Vera Drink

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